Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Upper Dee now fishing as it should

The week beginning 3rd of June produced a fantastic weeks fishing and showed me an insight into what Dinnet and Deecastle are capable of producing on this fabulous beat! Beginning the week at 6" and 54 degrees we saw 9 fish landed on the Monday and all were freshly run bars of silver including an 18lber from High Burn and 5 other double figure fish.  All the beats produced fish and 90% were caught on full floating lines and flies resembling an inch to an inch and a half of black. A particular fly that is beginning to prove a real fish catcher is the Crathie... the combination of blue, silver, and black really seams to work and has been a go to fly where fresh fish are around. Evening fishing has been good and changing to a larger black fly in the last hour of dusk has accounted for several evening salmon. We would like to see some more sea trout around as very few have been seen or caught compared to what it should be like in June. Simon Jones very kindly offered myself and Peter Ratcliffe an evenings cast where I was able to take a fish from Bruich and I was happy to ghillie Peter a belting 14lber from Trochie in the dark on a lightweight 13' rod, quite a battle in such a small pool, cheers Simon!!!

We have started fishing the hitch fly occasionally which is one of my favorite types of fishing, and so far have been successful in rising fish but are yet to land one... it will happen soon I am sure!

I also want to say a big thank you to Roy and Julie Trevor who organised a BBQ for all the fishers at Dinnet's new hut at 29 pool which was a great success with great food and BBQ supplied by Sheridan butchers.

With a total of 23 fish it was great to see some fish on the beat and lets hope they stick around.

John Jones with a fish on in Cobbles

Enjoying a coffee after a Monday morning fish!!

First fish for Pol Bar from the Dinnet bank caught by Gordon Tait

Summer is on its way

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