Friday, 20 December 2013

Fiordland Lodge Trout Fishing Season

Well I arrived in Fiordland -New Zealand South Island- yesterday and managed to christen my new Orvis Helios 2 which I must say is an absolute dream to use. Over the next few months I shall continue to run the blog on all things trout fishing over here and I hope it may provide some good reading for those itching for the fishing season to begin again in the UK.

Tight Lines

2013 end season

Well it has been a while since the last post so here is an update on how the summer progressed. July conditions were very tough for anglers with water temperatures into the 70's throughout the whole month. Many anglers persisted day and night and some were rewarded with some fresh grilse and summer salmon especially in the evenings as the weather cooled. Using small micro flies, hitch tubes, and silver stoats sizes 14, 16, and 18 produced many of the fish that were caught. One particular angler caught a belting 18lb summer salmon on a tiny size 18 micro treble in the middle of the midday heat so miracles do happen!! We also had some fun with the sea trout at night and the most successful flies were muddlers, hitch tubes and anything small and black. July 6 salmon 12 sea trout.

August continued with the heat wave and apart from one small rise of water towards the end of the month conditions remained much the same as July. August 7 salmon sea trout 0

September again at the beginning dry conditions persisted and the first two weeks remained tough however the latter two weeks perked up as many resident fish began to stir up and the cooler nights definitely showed a change in catches. Although we didn't get a significant rise we still found that fish were more willing to take a fly. Pol Slachd and 29 pools proved to be the best with a good head of fish holding there. The best flies ranged from red frances small coneheads, small orange red and even pink snealdas, and uncommonly two fish were caught on small pink grayling nymphs. September 17 salmon 2 sea trout.